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Wolfram Umbach (Z-V Service) retired five years ago.His hair was already all white when he ran a shop in Valley Stream NY 30 years ago...
I have used Mr. Wolf Umbach's service for two Zeiss Ikon cameras - an Ikoflex and a Super Ikonta B. He is extremely knowledgable, and will go the extra mile to provide service for the camera. He is 75 years old as of the time of writing, and he does the repairs just for love, rather than money. Speaking of which, his repair costs are extremely reasonable. I should add, that as a favor, he fixed a Moscow 5 shutter that was jamming. I tested the shutter afterwards, and the speeds were within 1/5 of an f/stop! My Zeiss cameras came back with speeds usually within 1/10 of an f/stop, with the most "off" speed being about 1/6 of an f/stop. Real German precision and accuracy! I have no hesitation recommending his services.
I found his work to be the best. I feel like I have my original camera back and it is like brand new. Since that time, I have purchased several more Contessa's and have sent them all to Mr. Umbach with the same great results. I have talked with him on the telephone many times and know him to be a wonderful person. I recommend him highly.
Twenty years ago a guy named Wolfram Umbach ran a camera repair shop called ZV Service in nearby Valley Stream, Long Island, New York.He specialized in Contax rangefinder cameras and had a fabulous selection of these jewels for sale including some reasonably priced users.But at that time these old mechanical cameras were just too old fashioned for me; I was prolly interested only in the latest electronic marvel.The old man retired and the store is long gone. If not, I'm sure I'd be a regular customer now...
The best red dial overhauls and meter repairs are done by Z.V. Service, Valley Stream, NY.
Por cierto, no veo las fotos, ¿podrías tratar de arreglarlo? Gracias.
Perdón. Arreglado
[...] o en alguna nota de la Camarapedia.
[...]Perdón, no tiene nada que ver con el hilo, pero os aconsejo que siempre consultés la Camerapedia albergada en esta página: http://camera-wiki.orgLa Camerapedia que está en Wikia (la que nos ha enlazado Domingo) es una versión con publicidad, de libre uso pero comercial.[...]
pues no tenía ni idea. Gracias por la aclaración, Dani.
La minolta que compré en Ebay tenia en la base una pegatina con la dirección del primer dueño... nunca me atreví a quitarla. También en el manual había anotacionrs de las pilas que sustituían a las 625...La verdad es que es fascinante la historia que guardan las camaras. Hay gente que busca en ebay camaras antiguas con carrete dentro para averiguar lo que esconden....
Gracias por compartir esta historia con nosotros. A mí me ha picado la curiosidad y me gustaría conocer el recorrido de alguna de mis cámaras ¿cómo lo haríais?
Nuestro amigo Recesvintus tuvo una aventura de este estilo al revelar un carrete que venía en el interior de una cámara que había comprado por internet.
(por cierto, el relato hállase inconcluso, a falta de un par de epílogos. Con la crisis, únicamente hemos dejado un escriba en Palacio... )